Black Magic was developed in Moldavia. 

Grain-cluster is medium size, weight around 600 grams and the form is conical, pyramidal. 

Fruit is medium sized, ellipsoid and skin is dark blue – almost black. 

Ripeness: mid-August.


This variety was developed by Michele Palieri in town of Velletri in Italy, by crossing Red Malaga and L’ Alphonse Lavalléevarieties. 

Clusters are very large, with cylindrical shape, weighing around 800 gr. 

Grains are large, oval, with medium resistant. Color is black to purple, with juicy flesh and sweet taste.

Ripeness: late August – early September.


Moldova grape originates from Moldavia. It is an hybrid variety, wich is favored among red varieties of grapes. 

Main characteristic of this variety is very good resistance  to winter frosts, phylloxera, and fungal disease – downy mildew and gray mold. 

Clusters are very large and loose. 

Fruits are large and oval with dark blue color. It has a very pleasant taste.

*** It is suitable for organic production. ***

Ripeness: early October


Cardinal grape has been developed in the United States of America. 

Grain is very large and round. The skin of grape has scarlet blue color. 

Clusters are very large, weighting from 400 to 700 grams.

Taste is very pleasant.

Ripeness: early August.


Muscat de  Hambourg was developed in England but some people claim that variety was brought there from Germany. This variety is used both in wine making and as a table grape. 

Wine from Muscat de Hambourg variety is tending to be light and rather neutral. Some dessert style of wine is made from overripe grapes.

Clusters are medium to large, conical shape and weighing from 200 to 350 g. Fruit is medium to large, ellipsoid shape. The skin is very thin with different colors from blue violet to dark blue. The flesh is  juicy with pronounced muscat aroma.

Ripeness: mid-September


Karmen was developed in Sremski Karlovci in Serbia by crossing varieties of Moldova and Cardinal. 

Grain-clusters are very large, with very attractive, big and ellipsoid shape. Color of fruit is dark blue. 

Flesh is firm and crispy with neutral taste of grapes.

Ripeness: mid-August


Rubel was developed in France. 

Clusters are very large with dark almost black color.

Rubel are ready for harvest when it’s completely ripe and then the color of grapes turn into black- dark purple. 

It has  very sweet taste.

Ripeness: late October


Strasenski developed in Moldova. 

Strasenski gives very good yield. 

Cluster is loose and very large with weight around 650 grams.

Fruit is very large and black with round shape. 

Ripeness: early September

RIBIER (Alphonse Lavallee)

Ribier (Alphonse Lavallee) was developed in France. 

In French language, Ribier means black large and it’s also call Gros Noir

Grain-clusters are large, approximately 500-600 grams of weight. 

Fruit is large with round shape.

Ripeness: late September – early October

Copyright 2025 – Kalem Đorđević