Dear friends and associates, we started by receiving orders for next year’s grape seedlings (Fall 2020 / Spring 2021).
This year, the emphasis is on domestic resistant white wine varieties: Morava, Panonia, Backa, Petka, Kosmopolita and Frajla.

These are varieties created by professors from the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad. These are varieties with excellent and very good resistance to fungal diseases. In German they are called Pilzwiderstandsfähige Rebsorten or just PiWi Varieties. In English, they are called Fungus resistant grape varieties. In our country they are also known as Interspecies varieties. These varieties are recommended for the cultivation and production of wine with minimal use of protection agents (ideal varieties for organic viticulture).
In the coming period, we will present each variety individually.

All seedlings will be certified, health-correct and with all the necessary paperwork to receive state subsidies.

If you are planning a larger planting, get in touch to book your seedlings and get a deal on everything.